Emergency Morocco Earthquake Response
October, 2023
Location: Morocco
Implementation Date: September, 2023
+1650 Donors
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Amid the tragedy, hope and resilience shine through. Support us as we uplift communities, weaving threads of hope and rebuilding the fabric of affected areas.
A devastating 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck Morocco, wreaking havoc across the High Atlas Mountains and the city of Marrakech. As communities grieved and grappled with shattered lives and homes turned to rubble, Africa Relief and Community Development (ARCD) swiftly intervened. Collaborating with the passionate volunteers of Idmaj Foundation for Development (IDMAJ), ARCD reached the most affected, often inaccessible areas. The team provided tents, food boxes, mattresses, pallets, and blankets to hundreds of affected families, focusing on areas often overlooked by other relief efforts.
Project Details:
634 families received emergency relief and sustainable support across the affected regions.